Northumberland Gazette readers call for a three-day weekend as more businesses make changes to office hours

Readers voted for a three-day-weekend.
Photo: 	Freedomz - stock.adobe.comReaders voted for a three-day-weekend.
Photo: 	Freedomz -
Readers voted for a three-day-weekend. Photo: Freedomz - | Other 3rd Party
The majority of Northumberland Gazette readers have announced that they would prefer to work longer days in order to have a three-day weekend.

This decision comes from our recent poll on social media where we asked you: “As more businesses make changes to their office hours, would you prefer to work four longer days, and have a three-day weekend?”

Out of the 569 people that voted, the majority (82%) of readers voted for a long weekend leaving only 104 voting against them.

Gazette readers have been eager to share their views.

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Martin Parsons is all for the idea. He said: “There are studies and articles from various sources that show it has a positive impact on staff moral, productivity and has reduced sick leave. It's a great idea. The UK works the longest hours out of all the EU countries.”

Wayne Stewart said: “Great idea.”

Some people have shown concerns that this wouldn’t be an option for everyone.

Carole Moyes said: “Nice idea, but when you are self-employed you work seven days a week and 24 hours a day if need be!”

Mikey Mann added: “I dream of only working ten hours a day.”

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Betty Henderson said: “Some people would love to do this but childcare is expensive.”

Jacqueline Linskey said: “I worry about small companies managing to finance these schemes. All the talk about workers having extra time off, but I don't suppose they would want less wages, so I cannot see a realistic solution.”