Northumberland residents urged to watch their alcohol intake during the lockdown

Northumberland residents are being asked to watch their alcohol intake during lockdown.Northumberland residents are being asked to watch their alcohol intake during lockdown.
Northumberland residents are being asked to watch their alcohol intake during lockdown. | JPIMedia
Northumberland residents are being urged to watch how much alcohol they are drinking during lockdown.

The stress and worry caused by the coronavirus pandemic has led to some people’s drinking habits changing.

The latest research from Balance states that in the North East, one in three people are drinking less – but one in four are drinking more.

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Balance has found that more than one quarter of North East adults (26%) who drink alcohol are drinking more often since the lockdown began on March 23.

But more than one in three (37%) have reduced how often they drink or stopped drinking altogether.

Northumberland County Council is acting on this research, encouraging people to stay within the Chief Medical Officer’s low risk drinking limits of no more than 14 units and to try at least two alcohol free days a week to protect both their physical and mental health.

Coun Veronica Jones, cabinet member for adult wellbeing and health said: “During these worrying times, it’s completely natural that people are looking for ways to feel better and cope with the changes to their daily lives. However, some of these coping methods can be unhealthy and lead to habits forming that can affect us long-term.

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“The council is recommending residents to think about healthier habits when it comes to drinking such as not stockpiling and setting aside alcohol until as late in the evening as possible.”

A screenshot from the video.A screenshot from the video.
A screenshot from the video. | Other 3rd Party

Sue Taylor, strategic partnerships manager for Balance, said: “We have seen reports of people stockpiling alcohol and memes going around on social media joking about afternoon drinking, but this is the most extensive research yet into the impact this period of lockdown is having on our drinking nationally and in the North East.

“The worrying news is that more than one in four people in the North East are finding they are drinking more in lockdown than they were previously. Some people may be using alcohol as a coping mechanism - the problem is that this can lead to habits forming that are really bad for our health in the long-term and may also make us feel more tired, anxious and sluggish in the short term.”

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