Call for action over 'grotty' toilets at Wooler bus station

Wooler bus station.Wooler bus station.
Wooler bus station.
Parish councillors have called for a clean-up of the public toilets at Wooler bus station.

Wooler Parish Council is keen to explore the idea of a clean-up project involving youngsters in the community.

“They’re looking pretty grotty, especially the outside,” said chairman Mark Mather. “It would be nice to give it a bit of a facelift.”

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Members agreed to approach Wooler drop-in project to discuss the idea, perhaps coming up with a mural similar to that recently created in a Lowick bus shelter.

“They’ve done a lovely job there, although I don’t know if we could do the same as Lowick because our bus station gets a lot of use,” conceded Coun Mather.

“The good thing about getting the kids involved is that they’d be less likely to damage it,” said Coun Kevan Curry.

“If they’re interested, perhaps they could come up with a design over the winter in time for doing it in the spring,” suggested Coun Mather.

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Parish councillors said the installation of cameras could also be considered as a deterrent to criminal damage.

Northumberland County Council will be asked about potential funding.

The chairman also praised Coun Curry for the regular repairs he undertakes and will send a list of other repairs to the county council’s neighbourhood services team.

“There’s a lot of work gets done in those bus station toilets with just about weekly repairs and Kevan just gets them done,” said Coun Mather. “I just want it noted that it’s very much appreciated.”

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