Majority of Northumberland Gazette readers think all hospital parking should be free

Readers have had their say on hospital parking prices.Readers have had their say on hospital parking prices.
Readers have had their say on hospital parking prices. | Other 3rd Party
The majority of Gazette readers who voted in our recent poll believe all hospital parking should be free in our area.

On Thursday, December 12, along with the all important poll that day, we asked readers to decide on something different in our daily Facebook vote.

We asked you: “Do you think all hospital parking should be free?”

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Out of over 1,400 readers who voted, 93% voted yes while only 7% voted against the idea.

Karen Ball said: “Should be free for NHS staff, patients and visitors. How can you make money from the hard working staff and people who are having treatment or visitors going to cheer someone up. An alternative would be to stop free parking in Wales and charge everyone across the board – say 50p or a pound to park?”

Jackie John comented: “Don't think they should be free. A small charge to help with upkeep and maybe what's left in the pot for something to do with the hospital I think 50p would be acceptable.”

Ralph M Dinsley said: “Should be free to NHS staff and the fee for parking should go back to the hospital. Not to a private company.”

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Sarah Muir added: “For staff yes. For most patients and visitors no, with exceptions as we currently have.”

Chris Black said: “Should be free for staff and a minimal charge for patients and visitors.”

Peter Hegney added: “It doesn't have to be free, just fair. Hospital staff should not be paying though.”

Andrew Metcalf argued: “People may treat it as a park and ride scheme depending on where the hospital is and if buses go from there to a big city like Newcastle.”

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Richard Turk argued: “For electric cars yes but why promote use of a transport that contributes to ill health?”

Catherine Whatmough said: “I think a lot of things should be free but until there is enough money to fund them, they won't be. That is why we pay tax, and why raising taxes isn't necessarily a bad thing - it funds things we all use and need.”

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