Suspected poachers in the county

News from Northumbria PoliceNews from Northumbria Police
News from Northumbria Police
Police are issuing crime-prevention advice after a spate of suspected poaching incidents and an oil theft from a farm.

Three incidents have occurred within the space of less than a week throughout Northumberland.

In Felton, damage was caused to a wheat field by suspected poachers overnight on Wednesday, November 9.

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On Sunday afternoon, a male with a lurcher dog was seen in suspicious circumstances in the Bywell area, just off the A69. The man then drove off in a white Ford Transit van.

Overnight last Thursday, thieves entered a farmyard in Matfen and syphoned oil from a heating tank.

To try to combat such incidents, police are issuing a range of crime-prevention advice.

People are encouraged to check that field hedges and fences are in a good condition and where possible gates or barriers should be locked using a good robust chain and padlock.

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Officers are also encouraging people to purchase trail cameras, which have motion sensors and will either record or take pictures of whatever has sent the sensor off.

Police say that local knowledge is a useful tool to help stop poachers. Make your neighbours aware if you are out on a shoot or undertaking pest control, which will help with neighbours reporting suspicious activity to officers.

Police say they need as much information as possible, such as of description of the suspected offenders, vehicle registration numbers, direction of travel, grid references and breeds of the dogs.

A rural crime event is taking place at Hexham Mart tomorrow. Police will be offering some advice and information on crime prevention and cyber-crime preventative measures.